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Termite Control

Termite Control

Insect Control


Termite control and extermination is one of our specialties at Rid-A-Bug. Are you concerned about extermination cost? Wondering what’s involved in termite treatment and removal? We specialize in prevention as well as termite extermination. Give us a call to schedule an evaluation where we can help you learn more about termite extermination cost in New York and New Jersey.

Out of all of the pests you can have in your property, termites are some of the worse. Not only can they eat you out of house and home, it might be a while before you even know you have a termite infestation.


Termites are small, subterranean insects that feed on wood. There are two types of termites common to homeowners:

● Worker termites have a cream-colored hue to their shells, are as long as four millimeters and are often only seen inside infested wood or when a foraging tube is broken.
● Swarmer termites are brown or black, and act as reproducers. While some termites can have wings, swarmers do not as they often lose them once they emerge.

No matter which type of termite you spot in or near your home, effective termite removal starts with professional extermination services like those offered by Rid-A-Bug


There are a few things you can do to keep termites far from your home. Refrain from burying waste and scrap wood in your yard as doing so is likely to act as a welcome mat for termites. We also recommend you get rid of decaying and dead vegetation in your yard, including the roots. If you use mulch in your garden, do so only in areas that aren’t next to the walls of your home for optimum termite prevention.

Termite Infestation


The amount of damage your home can sustain from a termite infestation depends on how large the colony is and how long it’s existed before it was discovered. Thankfully, it can take several years for a colony to become large enough to pose a serious threat to your home.

Commercial Pest Control
Commercial Pest Control

We provide comprehensive pest management services. We relate to our customers like family and we care for their homes as if they were our own.

Construction Pest Control
Construction Pest Control

Pest control refers to the regulation or management of a species defined as a pest,and can be perceived to be detrimental to business.